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뉴스상세조회 테이블
Horticultural Activities Help Treat Mild Dementia
작성자 관리자 작성일 2021-06-11
Greetings, everyone, and thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. I’m Don Valiant and this is the news from Gyeonggi Province this week. Horticultural Activities Help Treat Mild Dementia (0603-2) The growing and tending of plants is believed to help prevent and even cure mild cases of dementia. This has inspired the launch of the Mild Dementia Recovery Experiential Program by the Gyeonggi Agricultural Research and Extension Services and the Gyeonggi Regional Dementia Center. This year, the program will operate 200 experiential courses for 2,000 patients at 92 participating farms throughout the province. In addition to horticultural activities, these courses also include a variety of farm-specific activities such as decorating cars with flowers and creating traditional furniture. ◇ Gyeonggi Initiates Local Currency Bonus of up to 35% to Promote Consumption (0602-1) To promote consumption, Gyeonggi Province has initiated a second local currency bonus with benefits that are potentially greater than those of the first round. Those who charge their Gyeonggi local currency cards with KRW 200 thousand stand to receive an additional bonus of KRW 70 thousand; KRW 20 thousand immediately and another KRW 50 thousand upon exhaustion of the original KRW 200 thousand. Additionally, first-time local currency users will receive the entire bonus of KRW 70 thousand even if they do not exhaust the original KRW 200 thousand. ◇ Gyeonggi to Establish ‘Future Technology School’ (0602-3) Gyeonggi Province announced the launch of the ‘Future Technology School’ to foster future technology experts. To this end, the province signed an agreement with the Gyeonggi Province Employment Foundation, the Gyeonggi Business and Science Accelerator, and 9 ICT enterprises last week. This program aims to cultivate experts through customized education and training programs that fulfill the requirements of technology enterprises. ◇  Pet Adoption Culture Spreads in Gyeonggi (0601-1) Gyeonggi Province has been endeavoring to reduce abandoned animal numbers through the provision of pet registration cost support and pet owner education. In addition, the province’s Assistance Dog Sharing Center and its Pet Adoption Center offer adoption and neutering services so as to avoid euthanizing abandoned animals. As a result, the number of animals abandoned last year fell by one thousand compared to the previous year. ◇ `New Gyeonggi Game Auditions’ Held in Gyeonggi (0602-2) During the finals of the 14th New Gyeonggi Game Auditions, a Gyeonggi Province game developer competition that took place on May 26, five teams out of 39 won prizes. A total of KRW 150 million was awarded in the form of game development support with KRW 50 million going to the first place winner, KRW 30 million to second place finishers and KRW 20 million to third place finishers. The winners are also entitled to extra evaluation points when they apply for residence at the Gyeonggi Global Game Center as well as follow-up services including game testing, translation and marketing. ◇ ‘Gyeonggi Province Basic Financing Forum’ (0603-1) On June 2, a public forum on basic financing and basic financial rights was held by Gyeonggi Province. The opinions that prevailed during the forum were to the effect that government authorities must establish a statutory foundation and policies to guarantee the basic financial rights of people. Gyeonggi Province will reflect the opinions offered during the forum in its basic financing policy-making processes while continuously working to encourage the National Assembly and central government to institutionalize basic financing policies on a national basis. ◇   Yangpyeong and Gunpo Win Grand Prizes in ‘New Gyeonggi Policy Contest’ (0602-4) On June 1, Yangpyeong (양평) County and Gunpo (군포) City won the top prizes in the ‘New Gyeonggi Policy Contest’ in which local governments competed for special adjustment subsidies totaling KRW 60 billion. Yangpyeong (양평) County won KRW 10 billion in the large project category for its forest leisure and sports resort development project that utilizes closed public facilities including discontinued rail lines and a quarry, while Gunpo (군포) City won KRW 6 billion in the general project category for its residential environment improvement project for distribution bases and industrial complexes. ◇ Thank you for joining us for this week’s edition of GTV. We look forward to seeing you again next week.
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